Monday, May 12, 2008

Welcome to 'In Sudan'

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of God! Therefore the world knows us not, because it did not know Him" (I John 3: 1)

I am so thankful to our Father that He's provided this space for us to have exchanges about what, by the power of his Holy Spirit, He is doing with/in my life in Southern Sudan. I am thankful, too, for our dear brother in Virginia, Charles, who has set up this blog, and who has promised to assist me with it in the future. Most of all though, I am eternally thankful for each and all of who will visit the site regularly to get some additional insights into my experiences as "we" labour together in southern Sudan, and who, I hope, will be encouraged to pray without ceasing for the members of our eternal Family in southern Sudan, that "they may prosper in all things and be in health, just as their soul prospers" in our Lord Jesus, amen. I bless Almighty God our Father for your continued loving support of me in His mission in Southern Sudan.
All for His utmost glory, Ingrid

I thought I'd share with you a poem I wrote over two years ago, while I was on an ecumenical silent retreat in the hills of Virginia. The Holy Spirit had impressed on my mind that He wanted me to follow Him more concertedly into His mission, internationally; this poem was a part of my response to Him:


Here, in Beulah Methodist kitchen
where ladybugs like spring flowers bloom
I embrace my cup, its scooped
heart now raised to my mouth.

I'll drink and eat where life is weaved
with bread and wine.

My calling: a blue-hued pitcher
below. . .

Copyright 2005 Ingrid Reneau


  1. Hi Ingrid! Looking forward to reading updates on your work in Sudan. I pray you'll be a powerful channel of God's love to the students you work with.

  2. so glad to hear from you. We keep praying for you and all you are doing.
    Trust your parents are well. MLIrealnd
